Garbage Monıtorıng and Clearance Alert System Using IOT

Garbage Monıtorıng and Clearance Alert System Using IOT
Code Shoppy Android PHP Projects 2020

Abstract—with the continuous increase in population, garbage management becomes most alarming concern of today’s world mainly the countries with high population rate. Excess garbage in disposal area or overflow of garbage in the dustbin may aggregate different harmful diseases for the neighboring people. Hence the disposal and clearance and monitoring of garbage needs “IoT based smart Garbage Monitoring and Clearance Alert System” which will help to maintain hygiene and cleanliness of surrounding area. This paper proposed the IoT based smart garbage monitoring and clearance alert system in which RGB led lights will be attached with the bins as the indicator of the garbage level of bin at that moment from which users will get the idea of the level of garbage inside the bin. After disposal of garbage, the sensor present within the bin will monitor the level of the garbage. 
When the garbage level will meet the maximum capacity level it will send alert to the municipality and if the level is not crossed but the garbage is being cleared for more than two days then also a clearance alert will be generated. An android app is developed to send the alerts from the microcontroller used in the system to the management. The whole procedure is reducing the human labor of monitoring. The total system will be connected by WIFI. Keywords— IoT, Smart Garbage Monitoring, Smart Bin, Ultrasonic Sensor, Arduino Uno,Gps. 

The Internet of Things has become the hottest invention of the time. IoT is nothing but a technology in which all of the physical devices are connected to each other by mainly a wireless network connection without a minimum of human involvement in order to maintain a clean environment. Garbage monitoring system using IoT can decrease a large amount of human labour required for garbage monitoring in different area. In some areas where the population is less the garbage storage is also less but in places where there is more number of habitants the garbage is generally more. If the garbage collector truck can able to keep a online tracking of where the garbage is required immediate clearance then it will follow the route where the truck is first required to clean the garbage, without on spot monitoring To avoid unhygienic consequences the smart bin containing garbage for more than two days will be able to send immediate alerts. 
By 2030 the many parts of the universe will get developed as well as more populated as a result of which the garbage amount will also increase. So to overcome this problem the implementation of this paper may be useful. This paper also proposes the route tracking system which will provide the route the truck will follow while collecting the garbage and visit the bins which is more filled. As a result of which it does not have to travel all bins and petrol or diesel will be saved . 


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