E-Voting Android Based Application

E-Voting Android Based Application Voting is making decision process in terms of leadership. STMIK Atma Luhur today still using conventional election methods that less effective in terms of cost, governance, time, and security. Conventional election method make possible the calculation error and fraud in the calculation process. Today, technology has been growing rapidly, and Android phone usage is also increasing. With these condition, it can be proposed election of BEM chairman using Android mobile phone. There are many benefit of using mobile e-voting like computerized voting counting process so that becomes faster, more precise, and more accurate. The cost of implementing voting can also be reduced. Users are also able to vote anywhere and anytime with their own Android phone. The possibility of fraud and error calculation can also be avoided. Security of e-voting become the fundamental things that must be considered. There are four things that must be considered, namely a...